Find your Je Ne Sais Quoi

Find your Je Ne Sais Quoi

It's so easy to compare or self criticise but my sisters what about your je ne sais quoi? Everyone has that "certain something something" you just have to know it.

We often look at 60s French icons or our favourite rock n roll singer and think they just have that "je ne sais quoi." That something we can't explain but that makes us addicted to flicking through their feed or old video footage of them. But remember someone out there will be doing just that about us, we could walk past them in the street and catch eyes or they could be some of our nearest and dearest. Sometimes we just have to let our authentic selves shine, after all there is only one of each us us, flaws and all so lets celebrate our je ne sais quoi! 


Be inspired and know that you inspire. 


Stay cool sisters!
Johanna and Felicity

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